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來源:南寧外辦   |   作者:本站   |   發(fā)布時間:2020-03-17   |   瀏覽:17532






Notification of Enhancing the Prevention and Control of Imported COVID-19 Cases

Issued byCommanding Unit of Nanning LeadingGroup for COVID-19 Prevention and Control For thestrict prevention of imported COVID-19 cases, in accordance with the Lawof the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of InfectiousDiseasesLaw of the People's Republic of China on Response toEmergencies, and Regulations on Preparedness for and Response toEmergent Public Health Hazards, with the requirements of the COVID-19prevention and control effort of the national and provincial levels, andbased on the actual situation of Nanning, please be noted of the followings: 

1. Allpeople regardless of nationality coming or returning to Nanning from outsidemainland China in the past 14 days will be quarantined at designated sites formedical observation with nucleic acid testing. Anyone tested positive or havingsymptoms like fever and cough will be timely transferred to designated medicalinstitutions for further diagnosis. 

(1) Nanningcitizens returning to Nanning from outside mainland China in the past 14 dayswill be quarantined at designated hotels in respective counties, districts ordevelopment zones for a 14-day medical observation. 

(2) Foreignnationals, and residents of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan coming or returning toNanning from outside mainland China in the past 14 days will be quarantined atdesignated hotels for a 14-day medical observation

 (3) Visitorsfrom outside mainland China who have a short stay in Nanning for business,conference or other reasons will be arranged to stay at designated hotels andtake nucleic acid testing. Leaving the hotel is not allowed before the testresult comes out. Visitors tested negative can leave for business and theinviting organization should be responsible for the epidemic prevention andcontrol work in accordance with relevant regulations.

2. All people coming or returning to Nanning directly from outsidemainland China, and via other ports of entry in other parts of mainland China,shall report their travel and residential history in the past 14 days as wellas personal information to the staff at designated report counters upon arrivalat the airport/train station/bus station. Please cooperate with localauthorities of epidemic prevention and control to implement quarantine, medicalobservation, testing and other epidemic prevention and control measures. 

3. Family members/relatives and inviting/host organizations ofpeople coming or returning to Nanning from outside mainland China must reportto their villages/communities about the basic information, flight/train/busnumber, personal whereabouts and other necessary details 48 hours before their arrivalsin Nanning.

 4. Allcounties, districts and development zones should bear their responsibilitiesfor the strict epidemic prevention and control by doubling screening effort ofthe people entering Nanning from outside mainland China, enhancing gridmanagement in the communities, and promoting the use of “iNanning Health QRCode” and “Guangxi Health QR Code”.

5. Anyone who disobeys the requirements listed in this notification byfailing to report, underreporting, belatedly reporting, reporting false informationof the persons coming from outside mainland China or concealing the fact, andthus resulting in serious consequences, will be held accountable pursuant torelevant laws and regulations. Anyone coming from outside mainland China whodoes not report personal information, refuses to cooperate with the staff ofepidemic prevention and control, conceals travel and residential history, thehistory of contacting with COVID-19 cases and illness, and thus causing thespread of epidemic, hampering prevention and control effort, and posing athreat to public security, will be held criminally accountable. 

You are welcome to call the NanningGovernment Hotline: 0771-12345 or access the Mini Program “Yongyi” on yourWeChat App if you have any clue about the above-mentioned violations. 

6. This notification becomes effective on March 17, 2020. 

March 16, 2020


